
Blinking Lights

Thanks for stopping by and checking out this project! Here I hope to answer some questions you might have about what’s going on here.

What did you build?

This project is a custom designed Printed Circuit Board and Assembly that brings together an ESP8266 WiFi Module and 8 Light Emitting Diodes to allow anyone to experiment with writing Arduino code for the popular WiFi enabled microcontroller and have a simple LED display to learn all about shift registers.

What do you use it for?

I wrote a small Arduino sketch that visualizes the amount of network traffic on a given WiFi channel. I wanted a desktoy with some satisfying blinking lights. I also love using it as a conversation piece about network security, since the WiFi module can operate in promiscuous mode: it doesn’t need to be connected to a network to see the network packets.

Why Open Source Hardware?

This means that I have shared all the files used to design and manufacture this custom Printed Circuit Board so that others can recreate it, modify it, and learn from it.

What is this website?

I built this website to act as a companion to the source files, so that it’s easier to find the information people might want without digging through source files. It is written as a Jekyll static site and hosted on Github as a Github Pages project. Learn more about Github Pages and Jekyll. You can find the source files for this website on the gh-pages branch of this repository.

Want to learn more?

Read the schematics, assembly instructions, and explenations of how the firmware works.

Read the Docs

View all the source files to download and reference, so you can make your own or modify for your own projects!

View the Source